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Delicato sugo a base di pomodoro italiano appena colto e lavorato secondo le antiche tradizioni siciliane, che avvolge le zucchine tagliate a fette sottili per mantenerne la consistenza e impedire che durante la cottura si sfaldino.
Il tutto condito con una spolverata di gustoso pecorino.
Ideale per condire la pasta o anche come condimento insolito per bruschette e crostini.
Before ordering, carefully read our General Conditions of Sale
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Passata di pomodoro 50%, zucchine 35%, pecorino (latte ovino, sale, caglio) 10%, olio extravergine di oliva, olio di semi di girasole, aglio, cipolla, basilico, peperoncino, sale, zucchero.
Senza aggiunta di conservanti o coloranti.
Averages per 100 g of product:
Substances that can cause allergies and intolerances: pecorino, latte.
Pasteurized product.
Sealed product: room temperature
After opening the container, store the product in the refrigerator at 0 to 4° C and consume within a short time.
Glass jar, metal capsule (consult the recycling provisions in force in your municipality)
Primary packaging : Glass jar
Note: the product image is indicative and may undergo changes based on changes in packaging and product availability, although the quantity and quality of the contents will not vary.
The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase without specifying the reason and without any penalty with the right to a refund of all the payment received from the Seller, excluding delivery costs (excluding any additional cost due to the Customer's choice of a different payment method from the cheapest standard delivery offered by the Seller) within 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which the Customer or a third party other than the carrier designated by the Customer acquires physical possession of the last Product ordered;
See Article 8 of the GCS